Dear librarian,
This is a proposal for an exhibition to be held at the site of your library using the books in your collection.
The process and display would contain the following elements:
(A) A display of books, selected from your library, based on a set of criteria as listed in (B)
(B) A text which includes this covering letter, an explanation of the criteria used to curate the books in the display (A) and a bibliography
(C) Documentation from the previous iteration/s of the project that took place in other libraries, creating connections between collections in different cities and countries
(D) Potential for parts (A) and (B) to be repeated at a further library, with the documentation from your library becoming part (C)
We are looking forward to hearing what you think.
Marie Artaker and Margherita Huntley
Find more information about the project here.
November 2016
Text: Marie Artaker and Margherita Huntley