The Journal brings together works from guests and artists-in-residence, which have been created in and around the Bibliothek Andreas Züst. In addition, here you can find selected images posted through Instagram. New contributions can be submitted anytime, and will be handled editorially by the Bibliothek Andreas Züst.
Mia Ćuk, Katrin Keller:«As above, so below: a rehearsal for an impasse»Hannah Grüninger:«Erst verwelkt der Schnee und dann schmelzen die Blumen – Eine Annäherung an das Verschwinden»Oliver Griffin:«First stage investigation into UFO sightings & culture in Switzerland»Kenneth Ting-Yu Lin, Fan Zhaoyue:«A Catalogue for Two / Wild Sheep Chase / A Formosan Boy»Marcel Hörler:«Enter the Crack»Olya Korsun, Gatis Murnieks:«BAZ Recipe Book»Maike Suhr, Hanna Döring, Freia Kuper:«The library as landscape, the landscape as library»Pia Pachinger, Simón López Trujillo, Baltazar Pérez:«An AI Reading of the Library of Babel»Johanna Himmelsbach:«The library as a hypnotist»Anthonie de Groot, Gianna Rovere:«Sehnsuchtsberg»