(10 books found)
Keneally, Thomas
Victim of the Aurora
Publisher: San Diego : HBJ, 1985
Call Number: LABH K001
Shelf: Literatur II
Ker, W. P.
Epic and Romance : Essays on Medieval Literature
Publisher: New York : Dover, 1957
Call Number: LABH K002
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
Dialogue with Death
Publisher: New York : Macmillan, 1946
Call Number: LABH K003
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
The Roots of Coincidence
Publisher: London : Pan Books, 1974
Call Number: LABH K004
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
The Ghost in the Machine
Publisher: London : Pan Books, 1975
Call Number: LABH K005
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
The Yogi and the Commissar : and other essays
Publisher: London : Cape, 1971
Call Number: LABH K006
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
Arrival and Departure
Publisher: Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1971
Call Number: LABH K007
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
Darkness at Noon
Publisher: Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1973
Call Number: LABH K008
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
The Sleepwalkers : a History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe
Publisher: Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1973
Call Number: LABH K009
Shelf: Literatur II
Koestler, Arthur
The Act of Creation : a study of the conscious and unconscious in science and art
Publisher: New York : Dell, 1975
Call Number: LABH K010
Shelf: Literatur II